Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Aging Backwards

Aging Backwards


The Natural Way to Look Radiant and Wrinkle-Free

Aging skin can really bring a woman down. Not only does it make you feel unattractive on the outside, it can also make you feel bad about yourself on the inside.
As you know, my goal isn’t just to help you look better, but also to improve your whole self — mind, body, and spirit. Preventing [...]

Instant Eye Lift Starts at the Brow

Can an “eyebrow makeover” make you look like you’ve had an eye lift?
According to two-time Emmy-nominated celebrity makeup artist Dee Dee Marcelli, the answer is yes.
“I don’t think women realize how important brows are. They frame your eyes like a picture frame,” says Marcelli.
A problem many women encounter is thinning of the [...]

Melt 700 Calories – Without Lifting A Finger

If you want a purely natural way to better health, a home infrared sauna may be just what the doctor ordered.
That’s because the sauna has gone high-tech. Today’s infrared saunas let you achieve a deeper sweat at a lower temperature. They’re also more comfortable than traditional, hot-rock saunas, which many people call “dry heat.” If [...]


When Life Hands You Lemons

The simple lemon — available year-round and relatively cheap — offers all kinds of health and beauty benefits.
In fact, lemons have been prominent throughout history for the perks they offer. According to lore, the ladies of Louis XIV’s (1638-1715) court bit into lemons to keep their lips seductively red. Romans even valued the lemon as [...]

Put a Little Spring in Your Skin

After such a cold and snowy winter, it’s nice to see some signs of spring: birds chirping away in the trees, daffodils and tulips popping up everywhere and heavy winter clothes finally making way for the new spring fashion. As you start to show off a bit more skin this season, make sure it looks as young as you feel.

If you’re looking for a way to “stop the clock” and rejuvenate your appearance (and who isn’t?), you definitely need to check out this letter from my good friend and mentor, Dr. Al Sears, M.D.

Power Up with Protein

Those guys in the gym slurping down their protein shakes might actually be onto something.

In a recent study, Italian researchers from Brescia University, led by Professor Enzo Nisoli, found that adding protein powder to the diet of mice allowed the rodents to live 12 percent longer than mice that ate a “normal” diet.1

This research hasn’t been tested on humans, but it would translate to the equivalent of being able to live 10 years longer.

The mice were given a protein “cocktail” that included amino acids like leucine, isoleucine, and valine (three of the 20 amino acids that make up proteins).